
Student Activities encompass a diverse range of experiences providing students with hands-on opportunities to engage with real-world scenarios and broaden their design perspectives.

At NSDA, student activities are a vibrant and integral part of the learning experience, offering invaluable opportunities to explore the practical aspects of design beyond the classroom.

Through Site Visits, Workshops, and Market & Material Surveys, students engage directly with real-world environments, industry practices, and the latest materials and trends. These hands-on experiences are designed to deepen their understanding of the interior design field, foster creativity, and build essential skills that prepare them for successful careers.


Graduated Students


Placement Ratio


years in business


Site Visits

NSDA organizes frequent site visits to real-world projects, allowing students to gain practical insights and firsthand experience in the field of interior design. These excursions bridge the gap between classroom learning and professional practice.


Our hands-on workshops provide students with opportunities to apply their knowledge & skills, experiment with new techniques, and engage in creative problem-solving. These interactive sessions enhance practical knowledge and foster innovative thinking.

Market Surveys

Market Surveys at NSDA allow students to explore and analyze current trends, materials, and innovations in the industry. These surveys provide practical insights into market demands, helping students make informed design decisions.
March 12, 2021 / San Francisco

For years, the archivists who run Special Collections have answered the same typess as our collections…

Apirl 19, 2021 / Los Angeles

For years, the archivists who run Special Collections have answered the same typess as our collections…


NSDA offers various student activities, including site visits, workshops, market and material surveys, and other hands-on learning experiences.

Site visits are conducted regularly and include a range of locations such as architectural sites, design studios, construction sites, and exhibitions, providing real-world insights.

The workshops cover practical skills and techniques, such as design software training, hands-on crafting, and exploring emerging trends in interior design.

Market and material surveys involve researching and analyzing current market trends and materials. They help students understand industry standards and make informed design decisions.

While not mandatory, participation in activities like site visits and workshops is highly encouraged as they provide valuable practical experience and industry exposure.

Students can get involved by joining the Student Activities Committee or submitting their ideas to the Student Life Office. Participation in organizing events fosters leadership and organizational skills.

Most activities are included in the tuition fees, but some activities, like specialized workshops or extended site visits, may require additional fees. These costs are communicated in advance.

Students are kept informed through official communication channels, including email updates, notice boards, the NSDA website, and social media announcements.

Are you ready to take the next step toward your future career?

Are you ready to take the next step toward your future career?